Monday, February 25, 2008

Regret does not a rape victim make...,0,7810608,full.story

More to come on this later. For now, read the article and the comments on The article is excellent.

The comments on feministing on the other hand, make me want to scream, cry and pray for a really long time...probably in that order.
How did feminism get so warped?
How did feminists move from the vision of empowering women to this?
To encouraging women to behave in ways harmful to their physical, mental and spiritual health? (Dressing immodestly, drinking to excess, engaging in promiscuous behavior?)
To making women once again, the victim because of their anatomy?
To demonizing all men?
To praising women when they act in a certain way, but condemning men when they act in the same way?
To delegitimizing the experience of women who suffer from the heinous crime of rape?

The list goes on. When will we realize that we cannot encourage women to engage in sinful behavior and then blame men when the women are hurt by their sins?? When will we acknowledge that women are hurting because what they are doing is wrong and is harmful to themselves?

Jennifer Roback Morse explained that in today's culture, our only criterion for sex to be "good" is that it is consensual. So when women end up feeling hurt and confused after a sexual experience, when they have an experience that, in their judgment was "bad," they assume it must not have been consensual. If we admitted that promiscuous and unchaste sex is damaging, women would be able to understand why their experiences leave them in so much pain. Not because they were non-consensual, but because by their very nature they are harmful.

I am not a "rape apologist" as the girls who comment on feministing love to call it. Rather, I am trying to support, respect and give validation to all those women who truly have been raped, especially those whom I have known personally. I refuse to let their horrific experiences be lumped in with girls who get too drunk to function, DECIDE to have sex with a boy and then cry rape in the morning.

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